
Safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility and it is central to all of our work. We are proud of how we safeguard our children and we prioritise training and development for all staff so all are vigilant and knowledgeable about needs. We talk about safety with our children to ensure they understand the safeguarding issues they face in the community. We want all children and young people to be safe, feel secure, well cared for and able to reach their full potential. 

Safeguarding children & pastoral care is seen as a priority at Porter Croft Academy and is an extremely important part of our core values in which we provide a caring and supportive environment where children can be completely safe.

Anyone who visits our school comments on the kind and supportive atmosphere, the respect that our pupils have for each as well as the excellent rapport between adult and pupil. We also put a very high priority on keeping our site safe for all users.

Whilst much appreciating the amazing scope that ICT brings to our learning, we place a high priority on educating our children about the e-safety & focus on this regularly & particularly as part of our Online Safety Day in February each year. We also have an annual workshop led by our Online Safety Subject Leader, Mr Rowe. 

Porter Croft has adopted the Sheffield Safeguarding Board Policies in its role for Safeguarding/Child Protection.

Sheffield Safeguarding Board Procedures

We support our families to access Early Help support when needed. We work closely with the Family Intervention Service (Previously called MAST)

Parents and families can also access information about Early Help Services in Sheffield by clicking on this link:

Early Help Information




Key People with responsibility for Safeguarding at Porter Croft:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead:  Mrs Thomas (Headteacher)

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:  Mrs Long (Learning Mentor)

The School Governor of Safeguarding:  Miss C Dawson

Safeguarding Information for Parents

Out of Hours Help:

As part of our Safeguarding Policy, we want to ensure that all parents and carers know who to contact out of school hours if they have a concern about a child’s safety at home or in the community.

Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board run an out of hours service which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you do have a concern, then you would need to have the information about where the child or young person normally lives so that you can speak to the correct area team. If you cannot provide this information, then you should still call & any team will respond to your enquiry in the first instance. For our area Out of Hours Team (5:15 pm and 8:45am) please ring 0114 273 4855 or 0114 2734491.

The out of hours Designated Lead  can be contacted on: