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Phased return to school – Year 6, 1 and F2

Dear Parents / Carers,                                                                                                    Wednesday 10th June 2020


I am writing to inform you of the provision that will be in place for our Year 6, Year 1 and Foundation Stage pupils from Monday 15th June 2020. This is not compulsory, if you decide to keep your child at home you will not be fined and we will continue to provide resources for home learning activities.

Due to the practicalities of a Victorian school building, we have decided that we will be unable to accommodate the FS2 pupils at this time, if we are to maintain social distancing measures recommended by the Government.  This is so that we can split the Y6 class over 3 rooms and the Y1 class over 3 rooms. The 7th classroom will be used to accommodate key worker children.

Y6 pupils will be invited back to school on Wednesday 17th June at a starting time of 9am with the end of the day at 3pm.

Y1 pupils will be invited back to school on Thursday 25th June at a starting time of 9.30am with the end of the day at 2.30pm.

School will close at lunchtime on Fridays to allow staff to clean and prepare resources for the following weeks lessons and the home learning blogs. Y1 will finish at 12pm and Y6 will finish at 12.30pm on Fridays.

Y6 pupils

  • The class will be split into 3 groups and will be taught upstairs in the Y6 classroom, the Y5 classroom and the Y3 classroom. They will be taught by different class teachers and teaching assistants so they may not have their usual adult support. We will try to limit interaction with other children and staff as much as possible, so they will stay within their own ‘bubble’ throughout the day. The class will be split into A,B,C bubbles.
  • Each child will be sat at their own desk in rows, with a resource pack so that they do not have to share equipment or leave their seats.
  • Y6 parents will not be allowed onto the school yard, there will be markers on the junior yard for your child to stand on to line up before they enter the school building. Parents will not be allowed inside school if you wish to speak to the teacher please can you either phone school or email us.
  • School will not be providing hot school meals, but instead pupils will be given a ‘grab bag’ (a sandwich and fruit) if they are entitled to a free school meal and will be expected to sit at their own desk to eat it.
  • If you wish school to provide your child with a ‘grab bag’ these will be charged at the normal rate of £2 per day.
  • The curriculum will be reduced and adapted to suit the needs of our children, with their mental well-being at the heart of it.


Y1 pupils

  • The class will be split into 3 groups, A,B,C in the downstairs classrooms. They will be taught by different class teachers and teaching assistants so they may not have their usual adult support. We will try to limit interaction with other children and staff as much as possible, so they will stay within their own ‘bubble’ throughout the day.
  • We will provide all Y1 pupils with a ‘grab bag’ for lunch, which will be a sandwich and a piece of fruit. You may however, decide to provide your child with their own packed lunch.
  • There will be markings on the junior yard which your child will need to stand on when they arrive in the morning, and where you as parents can stand at the end of the day to collect them.
  • The curriculum will be reduced and adapted to suit the needs of our children, with their mental well-being at the heart of it.

After school/Breakfast Club

There will be no after school clubs or breakfast clubs. You must arrive promptly at the start and the end of the day, as we have staggered times for the different classes in order to reduce interactions as much as possible.

Free School Meal Voucher scheme

If you send your child to school, you will no longer receive the vouchers. Your child will be provided with a ‘grab bag’ instead.

Please contact school before Friday 12th June to let the office know if you will be sending your child back to school.

I do apologise for the directness of this letter, but I need to ensure you completely understand what school will be providing for our pupils and how we plan to keep them safe. Any families that have symptoms of the corona virus must stop sending their child to school and inform the office immediately. I am sure you appreciate the need for me to safeguard the school community and my staff too.

Kind regards

Cath Thomas