
Most of our children have a cooked dinner. Our meals are cooked at another site and are transported to the Academy in thermal containers. The meals are of a high standard with three choices meat option, vegetarian (every day) and Halal (three times per week). A copy of the menu is available from the Main Office. Meals are eaten in the Main Hall. Children may go home for lunch or bring a packed lunch. If you would like to know about free meals, please contact the Main Office. Payment for school meals should be in advance each week or daily, meals cost £2.60 per day (as at September 2024). All payments are to be made via Parent Pay as we do not accept cash at the school office.

Porter Croft - 3 Weekly Parent Menu - Spring Summer 25 (3)


Milk is free to all children under five and also to children who receive free school meals. For any other children who would like milk, there is a charge per term. Please enquire at the Main Office if you would like your child to have milk everyday.

Healthy Eating

We strongly encourage healthy eating in our Academy and we are a recognised Enhanced Healthy School. Children may often be involved in healthy eating and dental projects. We encourage children to bring healthy snacks, such as fruit and vegetables, to eat during break if they wish. Sweets and chewing gum are not allowed in the Academy.

All Foundation and Key Stage 1 children receive a free piece of fruit every day.