At Porter Croft Academy, all children learn through a range of approaches to build pupils confidence and facilitate the best possible outcomes in mathematics. Our main aims are to make children fluent in solving calculations involving the four mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and to equip them with the tools to solve a variety of problems and reason mathematically.
What we believe:
Mathematics is an interconnected subject – and where possible we link maths to real life and the world around us – stories and context
- Pupils will leave Porter Croft with a good understanding of maths which they can fluidly apply to their understanding of the world
- Porter Croft uses a Mastering Numberand Maths Mastery approach to achieve this so that pupils have clear language, fluency, representations and structures to reason and apply their knowledge and skills to everyday situations
- There are three strands to the daily maths teaching with are follow the NC- fluency, problem solving and reasoning
- Mathematical skills are developed across the curriculum in other curriculum areas, such as, Science, Design and Technology and PE.
- Mathematical Vocabulary is explicitly taught at the beginning of every lesson. To facilitate children to articulate their mathematical knowledge, know more and remember more of the key language and conceptswhich runs through the whole of our curriculum. Opportunities to revisit key previous learning are planned into every lesson.
Maths is taught daily:
10 – 15 minutes Mastering Number
1 hour of whole class teaching .All children are exposed and have access to their National Curriculum year group content.
The school follows the principles of Teaching for Mastery to achieve this.
Teacher’s follow the NCTEM Curriculum Prioritisation Maps small steps for each year group to structure knowledge into small cohesive steps so pupils’ working memory is not overloaded. Lessons are designed to deepen pupil’s knowledge of key mathematical conceptions.
To find out how Maths is planned & sequenced in order that our children can progress through the building blocks for learning, please click below
At Porter Croft, all children are expected to achieve in maths. Progress in maths is based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next stage. Pupils who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through being offered rich and sophisticated problems before accelerating onto new content. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material will consolidate their understanding through adaptive teaching strategies and same day intervention. Time is taken for children to gain an understanding of key concepts, the curriculum is flexible and concepts are revisited with links made to previous learning so that can build on their knowledge and apply this to new areas of learning.
Children are expected to talk about their maths (meta cognition) and reflect upon what they have learnt,
They have the opportunity to use a wide range of resources/manipulative to support their learning such as hundred squares, number lines, Numicon, cubes, place value cards and other small apparatus. As well as visual supports, such as the bar model, part, part whole and tens frames.
Evidence from book scrutiny, book looks, working walls, lesson study, staff meetings, lesson observations, planning documents and half termly test is used to by the teachers to assess children’s knowledge and understanding in maths.
National data show that children at Porter Croft perform in line with or above National Expectations and that children with SEND or from a social disadvantage are achieving above National expectations
All maths lessons/activities are designed and planned to include all children through a range of approaches. Lessons are planned to facilitate the best possible outcome for all children within the class.
Children with special educational needs are identified through regular assessment and supported through carefully planned programmes and targets on their support plans. Children are supported through first quality teaching, tailored learning and relevant intervention programmes. In planning lessons teachers will identify the additional support required for SEND pupils in each maths lesson. Consideration will be given to adapting the task or providing peer or adult support. It is important to note that pupils with learning difficulties can achieve well in Maths and should be given every opportunity to access a broad and balanced curriculum.
The following booklets can be used to support your children at home-
click on the link
- Timestable - Rockstar Information
- Mad4Maths - fun numeracy games
- Cool Maths games website for pupils
- Mathszone website with hundreds of links to other websites – most resources are for KS2 with some for KS3.
- Family learning a multiplication website with links to other websites full of times table games.
- 'Nrich' - is a Maths website which focuses entirely on problem solving.
- 'Maths is fun' can be very useful for providing demonstrations and examples of how to perform different calculations. It also has a wide range of activities you can print out for children to complete.
- ICT games website full of good maths games
- Top marks website is full of maths interactive games for 3-5,5-7 and 7-11 years children.
- One minute maths White Rose Maths website and app which supports pupils to practice subitising and automaticity in arithmetic skills
- White Rose Maths
- Interactive Resources
- Rock Stars Times Tables
- Mathletics
- BBC Biteize
- Woodlands Maths Zone – fun interactive maths games
- Ambleside Primary School Maths Zone