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Info for Parents following the Governments Announcement

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you are all well and keeping safe.

As you may be aware the Government has sent out guidance for schools to start planning to open up from the 1st June for Y6, Y1 and FS2, only if it is safe to do so. This does not mean schools will all open up on the 1st of June, but it does provide us with a time scale from which to work from.

We are currently looking at the guidance and starting to plan and risk assess how it would be safe for our school to open up to more pupils than just children of our key workers. We will be looking at:

  • Limiting class sizes
  • Staggering start and end of day times
  • The curriculum to be implemented
  • Increased cleaning
  • Providing ‘grab bags’ for lunches, no hot meals to be served
  • Staggering when classes may return to school

This will take extremely careful planning to ensure that our school community is as safe as we can make it. This is an anxious time for us all, and you may decide you do not wish your child to return to school this summer, which is completely understandable and is a decision that will not be penalized by the Government.

We will be continuing with our home learning provision for those pupils remaining at home and we appreciate your continued support with this.

We will update you in due course when we receive further guidance from the Government, and when we have our own plans in place. To help us anticipate the uptake of pupils, when it is safe to do so, in Y6, Y1, FS2 we would appreciate knowing if you will want your child to return to school. Please call, email or text school next week to let us know.

Thank you for all your support during this difficult time, and a big thank you especially to those key workers who are doing such an amazing job.


Kind regards

Cath Thomas



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