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Battle of the Bands – Key Stage 2

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the country is in lockdown and Sheffield will be placed into tier three on Wednesday, we feel it is more important than ever to maintain a sense of normality by continuing with our usual Christmas activities.

The classes have already begun practicing for our annual Battle of the Bands which will take place during the last week of this term. All the songs are non-religious and the children are really enjoying performing them. We will be filming each class separately so that the children can watch each other in school.

We know that this event is eagerly awaited by parents and friends who love to come into school and watch the performances. As this is not possible this year, we would like to film the classes again and upload the video onto our Purple Mash platform, with those children who have permission to be filmed.

The videos will be uploaded onto Purple Mash on Thursday 17th December and will be removed on Sunday 20th December. In order for your child to be filmed we need your permission slip returning. Children who do not have permission, will not be filmed for our Battle of the Bands performance that will be available on Purple Mash.

Please make sure you return the slip before Wednesday 9th December.

Kind regards

Cath Thomas