There is a daily act of worship at 2.50pm. Each day has a different style and pattern.

MondayAn assembly for all classes, usually led by the Headteacher. There will be a story or presentation and prayers on a termly theme.
TuesdayAn assembly for all classes, usually led by the Deputy Headteacher. There will be a story or presentation and prayers on a termly theme.
WednesdayAn assembly for all classes led by one of the clergy from one of our supporting churches and one of our Governors or the Headteacher.
ThursdayA class led assembly and/or an assembly led by a class teacher. Each class has the opportunity to make a presentation to the rest of the school. This may be about work they have been doing or about a topical issue or story. Parents are invited to this assembly.
FridayA celebration of Achievement for all classes. A small number of children from each class who have worked particularly well show their work to everyone else.

Our assemblies are open to all children and we encourage all families to allow their children into the assembly each day. Of course, parents do have the right to ask that their children be withdrawn from our Wednesday assemblies. In such rare cases we do ask the parents to come into the Academy and talk through any concerns with the Headteacher.