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22.01.21 – Letter from Mrs Thomas

Dear parents and carers,

I hope this letter once again finds you and your family well. Thank you for your support with home learning and coming to school on Fridays to collect the work packs and return work that has been completed.

It is really important that you encourage your child to engage with their school work as much as possible.

Teachers send out weekly timetables so you can easily see what is expected of your child in terms of their home learning activities each day. Having a routine throughout the day can really help everyone at home, as we understand it is difficult to juggle everything at the moment. Making time to relax and play is important too, as well as having time away from the screen.

As I mentioned last week, we are monitoring pupil’s engagement and if your child is struggling please get in touch. It is important that pupils upload their work onto the blogs, or return work completed on paper so that teachers can mark it and address any misconceptions.  I know the afternoon Zoom sessions are a good way for teachers to provide feedback and check who has completed the daily tasks.

Please check the whole school blog on Purple Mash for more activities. I have been uploading lots of music activities, along with swimming resources and my assemblies.  There is also a recorded Zoom session, with resources, by Miss Hocking which provides parents with ‘top tips’ on supporting their child at home.

As ever, we will continue to monitor our home learning provision to ensure pupils are engaging and completing the work set. If you need any support, please do get in touch.

Kind regards

Cath Thomas
