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Welcome Back – 2.9.2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

First I would like to welcome you all back to school, after what has been a most unprecedented year! I hope this letter finds you and your family well and eager to return to school. We have all been working hard to ensure that all the latest government guidance and risk assessments have been followed and implemented for our pupils and staff at Porter Croft Primary. There are a number of websites that I would like to draw your attention to for further information about returning to school.

Below are links to two videos focusing on schools reopening from Greg Fell. One of the videos focuses on summarising the published statement from the UK Chief Medical Officer.

Statement from the UK Chief Medical Officers on schools and childcare reopening 

Back to school –

CMO statement –


We will be implementing staggered start and finish times for the different year groups and I politely ask you to arrive at school at your child’s allotted time. Throughout the day, children will only mix with their own class, as we have also arranged separate playtimes and lunchtimes.

  Y6 Y5 Y4 Y3 Y2 Y1 FS2
   Start 8.40am 8.50am 9am 9.10am 8.50am 9am 9.10am


3pm 3.10pm 3.20pm 3.30pm 3.10pm 3.20pm 3.30pm
Friday finish 2.15pm 2.10pm 1.50pm 2pm 2.05pm 1.55pm 1.45pm


Lunch will be eaten in classrooms and if your child is in FS2, Y1 or Y2 we will be providing them with a ‘grab’ bag. This will be a sandwich, snack and fruit. If your child is entitled to free school meals in Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6 we will also provide them with a ‘grab’ bag. These can also be purchased by other children at the daily cost of £2.

Children are expected to wear school uniform. On your child’s PE day, they are allowed to come to school in their PE kit.

FS2 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6















Please make all payments to school via the parentpay website. If you need assistance with this, then please phone the school office and staff will be happy to help with any issues you may have.

We will be providing the breakfast and after school club (although there will be no after school club on Fridays due to the earlier closing times). Please let the office know if your child will be using either of these clubs. Children attending the breakfast club will be let on site from 8am and your child will be accompanied to the school gate for collection from the after school club. Parents will not be permitted on site.

Staffing News

Mrs Moxon our school manager has undergone a heart and lung transplant this summer and we are extremely pleased to say that this operation has been a resounding success. She will not be in school at the moment as she is still in recovery. We would like to wish Sarah and her family all the best and we hope to see her soon. Our thought and prayers are very much at the forefront of our minds for Sarah at this crucial time.

Mrs Ray will now be working in Y2 Tuesday-Friday. We would like to welcome Miss Clark to our school who will be working on Mondays in Y2.

Our other exciting news is that Mrs Thompson in Y1 is expecting her first child in December. I will keep you informed about the maternity cover for the Y1 class as soon as we have arranged it.

Finally, please ensure that your contact details are up to date by calling the school office and informing us of any changes in your address or phone numbers.

As ever, please get in touch if you have any questions about school.

Kind regards

Mrs Thomas
