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Thursday 9th July


Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well. It has been a rather strange year and we really have missed all our pupils not being here. I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Year Six pupils all the best in their new secondary schools; I am sure they will thrive and do us all proud. I would also like to say a fond farewell to those families in Year Six who do not have younger siblings in school, thank you for your support over the years.


I would also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to all the staff who have worked tirelessly and with passion to ensure our pupils have the best opportunities possible whilst they are at Porter Croft.


We are also losing two highly valued members of staff this summer, Mrs Couzens our amazing French teacher has decided to retire and say au revoir. Mrs Couzens has been at Porter Croft for the past fifteen years and has truly inspired a love of languages in all those pupils who have been lucky enough to have been taught by her, she will be hugely missed.


Miss Cooper, our Year Four teacher, is also leaving to work in a school that is closer to her home. Miss Cooper has been with us for the past two and a half years and has worked tremendously hard on our geography and history curriculum. The local history week last year really fired up our pupil’s enthusiasm to learn about their home city and gave them some fabulous experiences outside the classroom. We would like to wish her well in her future career and thank her for all her hard work.


We know both these teachers will be missed and it is sad that we are unable to say a proper goodbye to them both in school. If you would like to send messages to either teacher please do email the school and we will pass any messages on to them, or you can email Miss Cooper via Purple Mash or post a message on her blog.


Our staffing arrangements for September will be;


FS2-Miss Lodge

Y1-Mrs Thompson

Y2-Mrs Ray

Y3-Mr Rowe

Y4-Mrs Doherty

Y5-Miss Woffindin

Y6- Miss Hocking / Miss Holman


Staff have written reports for every pupil about their current year in school, up to the point of Lockdown in March 2020. We are not reporting on attainment levels this year as we feel this would not be fair to our pupils because they did not get the chance to complete this academic year. We are also not reporting on attendance as again, this would be unfair in the light of the COVID pandemic.


I wish you all a happy and safe summer holiday.


Kind regards

Mrs Thomas