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Lyceum Theatre Visit – Reminder


We are organising a whole school visit to The Lyceum Theatre on Friday 16th December 2016 to see this years’ pantomime ‘Snow White’.

The cost of the tickets is £10.00 (this can be paid in instalments).  Activities such as this are beneficial because they give pupils experiences they may not otherwise have and this impacts positively on their learning and progress.

The performance starts at 10.15 am so we will be leaving school at 9.15 am to walk to the Lyceum Theatre. Please ensure that your child has a warm coat and sensible shoes.  The performance will run over lunchtime, so children will need a packed lunch. If your child receives free school meals then a packed lunch will be provided by school.

To enable your child to attend please complete the reply slip below and return it along with your payment to the school office by Wednesday 30th November 2016.